Graceful Journeys

Since the beginning, when Souls began to incarnate with humans, everyone has attempted to unravel the mysteries of The Soul and Spiritual Grace with a yearning to understand life’s Graceful Journey. To this day, we all, however briefly, ask the big questions:


Why am I here?


What is the meaning of life?


Why do I experience pain, suffering, and trauma?


And, most importantly, how do I experience more love and peace in my life?

This book of understanding and hope—via input from its scribe’s intuitions, learnings, and Spiritual Guides—addresses these universal questions in simple, direct, clear bullet points in two volumes:

Vol. 1 The Evolution of the Soul

Volume 1 clarifies the evolution of a Soul’s “life,” and the process and reason for its human incarnations.

Vol. 2 The Art of Living Gracefully

Volume 2 guides us to balance the competing energies residing within us: the Grace of Soul, and the human and its ego.

The ancient wisdom imparted in these pages enlightens us about how The Soul encourages The Self to choose the infinite love and peace of Grace when experiencing life’s antagonisms.

All wisdom is acquired through Graceful effort. Choose Grace.

– Dale Fedewa, Author