About the Author

Dale Fedewa, from an early age, experienced signs from the inner voice of his Soul and Guides, along with feelings and “knowings,” about becoming an influencing spiritual teacher/coach. His Guides utilized his interactions with family, friends, mentors, personality tests—and maybe a few enemies—as pointers or “bread crumbs” to guide him toward awakening himself, his environment and, perhaps, the world.

At the same time, his human and its ego pushed him toward spreadsheets, finance, and the building of material things. As he tried to follow both his Soul and his ego, as most of us do, he did not find great success in either. This balancing became a life-long dance moving him, alternately, to the top of the world and under the crushing weight of it. Only when he started reflecting on life as an opportunity for moment-to-moment learning, did he begin to understand more fully the ongoing guidance from that inner voice. Two such signs led him to serve as the scribe for this book…

First, an injury during a high school football game permanently sidelined him. Alone on the bench for the game’s second half, his initial thoughts brought waves of anger, frustration, and fear about what to do with his life. After more than a few moments of self-pity, a different thought arose, bringing with it a peaceful calm: Maybe, just maybe, the beauty and joy of life is in not playing football.

Second, in the midst of struggling through a career of dubiously successful endeavors, Dale called on a spiritual healer to help one of his businesses through a tough time. As the healer proceeded through the facility, moving energy with his burning bundle of clarifying sage, he stopped and declared, “This business will be prosperous but, Dale, you don’t belong in it. You need to do what you are meant to do.” The time had come to create this book and help the world.


about the book



Praise for Graceful Journeys

“ Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque ”

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